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moved [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈmuːvd/ ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 From the verb move: (⇒ conjugate)moved is: ⓘClick the infinitive to see all available inflectionsv past v past p 本页中: moved, move

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主要翻译英语中文 moved adj (emotionally affected)SCSimplified Chinese 被感动的 TCTraditional Chinese 被感動的  When the singer dedicated her song to her father, the audience was visibly moved.  歌手将歌献给她的父亲,听众们明显被感动了。 moved by [sth] adj + prep (emotionally affected)SCSimplified Chinese 被…感动的  I was so moved by the music, I felt like crying.  我被音乐感动,直想哭。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 move⇒ vi (be in motion)SCSimplified Chinese 移动 yí dòng TCTraditional Chinese 移動  Stop moving and the wasp will leave you alone.  别动,这样黄蜂不会蜇你。 move vi (advance)SCSimplified Chinese 前进 qián jìn TCTraditional Chinese 前進   SCSimplified Chinese 向前 qián jìn,xiàng qián  The protesters moved towards the line of police.  示威者向着警戒线前进。 move vi (change position, location) (换位置)SCSimplified Chinese 换位,移动,挪动 huàn wèi,yí dòng,nuó dòng TCTraditional Chinese 移動  This seat is reserved. I'm afraid you'll have to move.  这个位置有人预订了。恐怕您得挪一挪。 move to [sth] vi + prep (change position, location) (把位置等)SCSimplified Chinese 转移到,换到 zhuǎn yí dào  Amy moved to a seat near the front of the room.  艾米换到了一个靠房间前面的位置。 move to [sth] vi + prep (turn attention to) (把注意力)SCSimplified Chinese 改变到,转到  I want to move to the question of how we are to finance this project.  我想把话题转到我们要如何为该项目筹措经费上来。 move to do [sth] v expr (take action)SCSimplified Chinese 采取行动 cǎi qǔ xíng dòng TCTraditional Chinese 採取行動  He moved to open the door but she grabbed his arm.  他要去开门,不过她抓住了他的胳膊。 move [sth]⇒ vtr (change position, location of)SCSimplified Chinese 移动 yí dòng TCTraditional Chinese 移動   SCSimplified Chinese 挪动 yí dòng,nuó dòng   SCSimplified Chinese 给…换地方 yí dòng,gěi huàn dì fāng  I moved the car closer to the house.  我把车挪得靠近房子一点。 move [sb]⇒ vtr often passive (affect emotionally)SCSimplified Chinese 感动 gǎn dòng TCTraditional Chinese 感動   SCSimplified Chinese 打动 gǎn dòng,dǎ dòng   SCSimplified Chinese 触动 gǎn dòng,chù dòng TCTraditional Chinese 觸動  Everyone was moved by the film.  影片打动了每一位观众。 move⇒ vi (change residence)SCSimplified Chinese 搬家 bān jiā   SCSimplified Chinese 迁居 bān jiā ,qiān jū   SCSimplified Chinese 搬迁 bān jiā ,bān qiān  When I was five years old, we moved.  我五岁的时候我们搬了家。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 move n (movement)SCSimplified Chinese 动作 dòng zuò TCTraditional Chinese 動作   SCSimplified Chinese 移动 dòng zuò ,yí dòng TCTraditional Chinese 移動  With a sudden move, he grabbed the robber.  他突然一动,抓住了劫匪。 move n (step toward [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 移动 yí dòng TCTraditional Chinese 移動   SCSimplified Chinese 行动 yí dòng,xíng dòng TCTraditional Chinese 行動  The sheriff blocked the outlaw's move for the door.  歹徒向门口移动,但被治安官阻挡住了。 move n (game: turn) (棋类游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 一步棋,走棋 yí bù qí,zǒu qí  It is my move next.  下一步该我走了。 move n (game: choice of action) (游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 步 bù TCTraditional Chinese 步  My opponent anticipated my every move. move n informal (house move: change of residence)SCSimplified Chinese 搬家 bān jiā   SCSimplified Chinese 搬迁 bān jiā ,bān qiān   SCSimplified Chinese 迁居 bān jiā ,qiān jū  All our belongings are packed up in boxes, ready for the move.  我们所有的东西都已经打包装箱,为搬家做好了准备。 move n (game: turn, go) (游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 该…走了,轮到…了  It's your move; hurry up and roll the dice. move n (action, step)SCSimplified Chinese 活动,移动 huó dòng,yí dòng TCTraditional Chinese 活動,移動  The police tried to anticipate the criminal's next move. Critics believe the government's move to tackle poverty does not go far enough. move vi (follow a course)SCSimplified Chinese (朝某个方向)前进 cháo mǒu gè fāng xiàng qián jìn   SCSimplified Chinese 移动 cháo mǒu gè fāng xiàng qián jìn,yí dòng TCTraditional Chinese 移動  The storm is moving to the east.  风暴正朝东边移动。 move vi (merchandise: be sold) (商品)SCSimplified Chinese 售出,被卖,脱手 shòu chū,bèi mài,tuō shǒu  The new merchandise isn't moving. move vi (game: take a turn) (棋类游戏)SCSimplified Chinese 走棋,走子 zǒu qí,zǒu zǐ  It's your turn to move.  轮到你走子了。 move vi (bowels: evacuate) (肠道、肠胃)SCSimplified Chinese 排空,排泄 pái kōng,pái xiè TCTraditional Chinese 排泄   (肠道、肠胃)SCSimplified Chinese 蠕动 rú dòng  The food made his bowels move quickly.  食物加速了他肠道的蠕动。 move to do [sth] vi + prep (make a proposal)SCSimplified Chinese 提议 tí yì TCTraditional Chinese 提議  The council member moved to adjourn the session. move [sth]⇒ vtr (change residence)SCSimplified Chinese 搬家 bān jiā  She moved apartments twice last year. move [sth] vtr (advance: a game piece)SCSimplified Chinese 走一步棋   SCSimplified Chinese 走棋 zǒu qí  He moved his piece forward four spaces. move [sth] vtr (put in motion)SCSimplified Chinese 活动 huó dòng TCTraditional Chinese 活動   SCSimplified Chinese 运动 huó dòng,yùn dòng TCTraditional Chinese 運動  He moved his arms up and down.  他上上下下活动着胳膊。 move [sth] vtr informal (sell: goods, merchandise)SCSimplified Chinese 卖 mài TCTraditional Chinese 賣   SCSimplified Chinese 出售 mài,chū shòu TCTraditional Chinese 出售  We have to move the merchandise before the end of the fiscal year.  我们必须在财政年度结束前将货物卖掉。 move [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep (impel emotionally)SCSimplified Chinese 因感动而做某事  Karen was moved to take in the stray dogs. move [sb] to (do) [sth] vtr + prep (cause, provoke)SCSimplified Chinese 导致某人做某事   SCSimplified Chinese 促使某人做某事 cù shǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì  His actions moved her to call the police.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语move | moved英语中文 move about vi phrasal UK (fidget, be restless)SCSimplified Chinese 坐立不安 zuò lì bù ān  The child was moving about in his chair because he was bored.  那个孩子觉得无聊,在座位上坐立不安。 move about vi phrasal UK (relocate frequently)SCSimplified Chinese 不停搬家 bù tíng bān jiā  Irena often has to move about because of her job; she's lived in three different countries in the last five years.  由于工作原因,艾瑞娜经常要搬家;在过去五年中,她曾在三个不同的国家生活过。 move about vi phrasal UK (be mobile or active)SCSimplified Chinese 到处活动 dào chù huó dòng TCTraditional Chinese 到處活動  You should move about more, not sit in front of the computer all day!  你应该多走动,不要整天坐在电脑前! move along vi phrasal (advance, go forward)SCSimplified Chinese 进展 jìn zhǎn TCTraditional Chinese 進展   SCSimplified Chinese 前进 jìn zhǎn,qián jìn TCTraditional Chinese 前進  The train was moving along at great speed.  这辆火车正以极快的速度前进。 move along vi phrasal (leave, go on your way)SCSimplified Chinese 往前走 wǎng qián zǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 走开 wǎng qián zǒu,zǒu kāi TCTraditional Chinese 走開  The officer told the boys to move along.  军官叫男孩们走开。 move apart vi phrasal (separate)SCSimplified Chinese 分开 fēn kāi TCTraditional Chinese 分開   SCSimplified Chinese 隔开 fēn kāi,gé kāi TCTraditional Chinese 隔開  The curtains moved apart to reveal the actors on the stage.  幕布拉开,演员出现在舞台上。 move [sth] apart, move [sth] and [sth] apart vtr phrasal sep (separate)SCSimplified Chinese 分开 fēn kāi TCTraditional Chinese 分開  The teacher moved the two boys apart because they were always talking in class.  那两个男孩总是上课说话,所以老师将他俩的座位分开了。 move around vi phrasal (be mobile, active)SCSimplified Chinese 走来走去 zǒu lái zǒu qù TCTraditional Chinese 走來走去   SCSimplified Chinese 四处走动 zǒu lái zǒu qù,sì chù zǒu dòng  The doctor said I have to move around in order to maintain my weight. He's always moving around; he never stays long in one place.  医生说为了保持体重,我必须多走动。 // 他总是四处走动,从未在一个地方呆很久。 move around vi phrasal (relocate frequently)SCSimplified Chinese 搬迁 bān qiān   SCSimplified Chinese 迁移 bān qiān,qiān yí TCTraditional Chinese 遷移  Diplomats frequently move around from one country to another.  外交官会频繁地从一个国家搬迁至另一个国家。 move in vi phrasal (make one's home)SCSimplified Chinese 搬进 bān jìn   SCSimplified Chinese 搬入 bān jìn,bān rù  I've found a new flat, and I'm moving in next week.  我找到一个新公寓,下周我就可以搬进去。 move in vi phrasal (become involved)SCSimplified Chinese 插手 chā shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 插手   SCSimplified Chinese 介入 chā shǒu,jiè rù  Terry's future mother-in-law moved in and took over control of all the wedding arrangements.  泰利未来的丈母娘插手并接管了所有婚礼的安排事宜。 move in on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (move closer to attack or capture)SCSimplified Chinese 向…逼近 xiàng bī jìn   SCSimplified Chinese 准备攻击 xiàng bī jìn,zhǔn bèi gōng jī  When the signal was given the police quickly moved in on the suspect and arrested him. move in on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (intrude)SCSimplified Chinese 进入 jìn rù TCTraditional Chinese 進入   SCSimplified Chinese 侵入 jìn rù,qīn rù TCTraditional Chinese 侵入  The salesman lost customers when a competitor moved in on his territory.  由于竞争对手的进入,那位销售员损失了许多客户。 move in on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (make advances to)SCSimplified Chinese 设法接近...  He was about to move in on her when her boyfriend returned. move into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (take up residence in)SCSimplified Chinese 搬进 bān jìn   SCSimplified Chinese 搬入 bān jìn,bān rù  They moved into their new home last week. move off vi phrasal (vehicle: drive away)SCSimplified Chinese 离开,走开 lí kāi,zǒu kāi TCTraditional Chinese 離開,走開   SCSimplified Chinese 死去 sǐ qù  He put the car in gear and moved off down the highway. move on vi phrasal (go elsewhere)SCSimplified Chinese 去其他地方   SCSimplified Chinese 前往别处  I've really enjoyed my time in Rome, but now it's time for me to move on.  我真的很享受我在罗马的时光,但现在我该去其他地方了。 move on vi phrasal informal, figurative (accept change)SCSimplified Chinese 接受改变 TCTraditional Chinese 接受改變   SCSimplified Chinese 开始新生活  Roger is ready to move on after his divorce.  罗杰离婚后准备开始新的生活。 move on vi phrasal figurative (take up new activity, subject)SCSimplified Chinese 做别的事   SCSimplified Chinese 谈其他话题  If everyone understands that now, let's move on.  如果现在大家都懂了,我们就继续吧。 move on to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (progress to)SCSimplified Chinese 进入 jìn rù TCTraditional Chinese 進入   SCSimplified Chinese 转向 jìn rù,zhuǎn xiàng TCTraditional Chinese 轉向  After the children have mastered addition they will move on to division.  孩子们掌握了加法后,他们将继续学习除法。 move [sb] on, move on [sb] vtr phrasal sep often passive (compel to go elsewhere)SCSimplified Chinese 驱赶… qū gǎn TCTraditional Chinese 驅趕…   SCSimplified Chinese 命令…走开  They went to the park, but once more the police moved them on.  他们去了公园,但警察又把他们赶走了。 move out vi phrasal (leave one's home)SCSimplified Chinese 搬出 bān chū  Although I got on well with my parents, I couldn't wait to move out.  尽管和父母相处融洽,不过我还是迫不及待地要搬出去住了。 move over vi phrasal (move aside to create space)SCSimplified Chinese 挪动以腾出地方 nuó dòng yǐ téng chū dì fāng   SCSimplified Chinese 挪开 nuó dòng yǐ téng chū dì fāng,nuó kāi  The rude man refused to move over to let me pass.  那个粗鲁的人拒绝挪动,为我让路。 move over vi phrasal figurative (concede loss of position) (职位等)SCSimplified Chinese 让位 ràng wèi   SCSimplified Chinese 让贤  Tony moved over to let Andrew take over as team leader.  托尼让出队长的位置,让安德鲁带队。 move past vi phrasal (go by)SCSimplified Chinese 经过 jīng guò TCTraditional Chinese 經過  The crowd were waving flags as the president's car moved past. move past [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (pain, etc.: get over) (痛苦、困难等)SCSimplified Chinese 度过 dù guò TCTraditional Chinese 度過  Natalie has moved past the disappointment of splitting up with her last boyfriend, and is much happier now. move past [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (go by, pass)SCSimplified Chinese 超过 chāo guò TCTraditional Chinese 超過  Thompson moved past the other runners into first position in the race. move up vi phrasal (be promoted)SCSimplified Chinese 获得晋升  Sarah moved up and is now a sales manager.  莎拉升职了,现在是销售经理。 move up vi phrasal informal (shift across to make room for [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 挪动 nuó dòng  When Paul arrived, we all had to move up to make room for him on the sofa.  保罗来的时候,我们都得搬走,为他腾出沙发上的空间。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:moved | move英语中文 moved on adj (sent away, evicted)SCSimplified Chinese 被驱逐的 bèi qū zhú de TCTraditional Chinese 被驅逐的 not be moved v expr figurative (not change opinion)SCSimplified Chinese 不为所动 bù wéi suǒ dòng TCTraditional Chinese 不為所動  Anne is completely against the idea, and will not be moved from her position.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: move [muːv] I vi 1 (=change position) [vehicle] 行进(進) xíngjìn The train began to move.火车(車)开(開)始开(開)动(動)了。 Huǒchē kāishǐ kāidòng le. [person, object] 动(動) dòng 2 (=relocate) 搬家 bānjiā She had often considered moving to London.她常考虑(慮)搬到伦(倫)敦去住。 Tā cháng kǎolǜ bān dào Lúndūn qù zhù. 3 (also: move on) (from job) 换(換) huàn Christina moved to another job to get more experience.克里斯蒂娜换(換)了另一份工作以获(獲)得更多的经(經)验(驗)。 Kèlǐsīdìnà huànle lìng yī fèn gōngzuò yǐ huòdé gèng duō de jīngyàn. (from activity) 改换(換) gǎihuàn 4 (=shift) ▶ to move to(wards) 倾(傾)向于(於) qīngxiàng yú The Labour Party has moved to the right.工党(黨)已倾(傾)向于(於)右派立场(場)。 Gōngdǎng yǐ qīngxiàng yú yòupài lìchǎng. 5 (=develop) [situation, events] 进(進)展 jìnzhǎn Events are moving fast.事情进(進)展迅速。 Shìqing jìnzhǎn xùnsù. II vt 1 (=change position of) [+ furniture, car] 挪动(動) nuódòng Workmen were moving a heavy wardrobe down the stairs.工人们(們)正把一个(個)很重的衣橱(櫥)挪到楼(樓)下去。 Gōngrénmen zhèng bǎ yī gè hěn zhòng de yīchú nuó dào lóuxià qù. 2 (=transfer) [+ worker] 调(調)动(動) diàodòng His superiors moved him to another department.他的上司把他调(調)到另一个(個)部门(門)。 Tā de shàngsi bǎ tā diào dào lìng yī gè bùmén. 3 (=change) ▶ to move sth (to) [+ event, date] 改(到) gǎi (dào) The club has moved its meeting to January 22nd.俱乐(樂)部已把聚会(會)的日期改到1月22日。 Jùlèbù yǐ bǎ jùhuì de rìqī gǎi dào yī yuè èrshìèr rì. 4 (=affect emotionally) [+ person] 感动(動) gǎndòng The whole incident had moved her profoundly.整个(個)事件深深地感动(動)了她。 Zhěnggè shìjiàn shēnshēn de gǎndòngle tā. 5 ▶ to move sb to do sth (=motivate) 促使某人做某事 cùshǐ mǒurén zuò mǒushì What has moved the President to take this step?是什么(麼)促使总(總)统(統)采(採)取这(這)一举(舉)措? Shì shénme cùshǐ zǒngtǒng cǎiqǔ zhè yī jǔcuò? 6 ▶ to move that… (Pol) 提议(議)… tíyì… She moved that the meeting be adjourned.她提议(議)休会(會)。 Tā tíyì xiūhuì. III n [c] 1 (=movement) 动(動)作 dòngzuò Daniel's eyes followed her every move.丹尼尔(爾)的眼光紧(緊)随(隨)她的每一个(個)动(動)作。 Dānní'ěr de yǎnguāng jǐnsuí tā de měi yī gè dòngzuò. 2 (=act) 行动(動) xíngdòng A government move to drop the plan could affect share prices.政府终(終)止这(這)项(項)计(計)划(劃)的行动(動)将(將)会(會)影响(響)到股票价(價)格。 Zhèngfǔ zhōngzhǐ zhè xiàng jìhuà de xíngdòng jiāng huì yǐngxiǎng dào gǔpiào jiàgé. 3 (=change) [of house] 搬家 bānjiā [次 cì] The move to Prague was a daunting prospect.搬家至布拉格,其前景颇(頗)令人沮丧(喪)。 Bānjiā zhì Bùlāgé,qí qiánjǐng pō lìng rén jǔsàng. 4 (=change) [of job, belief] 变(變)动(動) biàndòng His move to the personnel department was no surprise.他被调(調)到人事部门(門)的变(變)动(動)并(並)不令人吃惊(驚)。 Tā bèi diào dào rénshìbùmén de biàndòng bìng bù lìng rén chījīng. 5 (in game) (=go, turn) 一步 yī bù (=change of position) 一步棋 yī bù qí to move house/jobs/offices 搬家/换(換)工作/更换(換)办(辦)公地点(點) bānjiā/huàn gōngzuò/gēnghuàn bàngōng dìdiǎn a good/bad move 好/糟糕的一步 hǎo/zāogāo de yī bù one false move不明智的行为(為) bù míngzhì de xíngwéi to get a move on (inf)快点(點) kuàidiǎn to be on the move迁(遷)移中 qiānyí zhōng to make a move (=take action) 采(採)取行动(動) cǎiqǔ xíngdòng (=leave) 离(離)去 líqù move about, move around vi 1 (=change position) 走来(來)走去 zǒulái zǒuqù 2 (=change residence, job) 不断(斷)迁(遷)移 bùduàn qiānyí I was born in Fort Worth but we moved about a lot.我出生在沃思堡,但我们(們)不断(斷)在各地迁(遷)移。 Wǒ chūshēng zài Wòsībǎo,dàn wǒmen bùduàn zài gè dì qiānyí. move alongI vi 1 (=develop) 发(發)展 fāzhǎn Research tends to move along at a slow but orderly pace.研究趋(趨)于(於)缓(緩)慢而有序地发(發)展。 Yánjiū qūyú huǎnmàn ér yǒuxù de fāzhǎn. 2 (=keep walking) 走开(開) zǒukāi Move along there, please.请(請)走开(開)。 Qǐng zǒukāi. II vt 1 (=cause to develop) 使进(進)展 shǐ jìnzhǎn I hope we can move things along without too much delay.我希望我们(們)能使事情有所进(進)展而不致有太多延误(誤)。 Wǒ xīwàng wǒmen néng shǐ shìqing yǒu suǒ jìnzhǎn ér bù zhì yǒu tài duō yánwù. 2 (=order to move) [police] 命令走开(開) mìnglìng zǒukāi Our officers are moving them along and not allowing them to gather in large groups.我们(們)的官员(員)命令他们(們)走开(開),不允许(許)他们(們)聚众(眾)。 Wǒmen de guānyuán mìnglìng tāmen zǒukāi,bù yǔnxǔ tāmen jùzhòng. move around vi = move about move away vi (from town, area) 离(離)开(開) líkāi He moved away and lost contact with the family.他离(離)开(開)家(傢),和家(傢)人失去了联(聯)系(繫)。 Tā líkāi jiā,hé jiārén shīqùle liánxì. (from window, door) 走开(開) zǒukāi She moved away from the window.她从(從)窗户(戶)处(處)走开(開)。 Tā cóng chuānghù chù zǒukāi. move backI vi 1 (=return) (to town, area) 回来(來) huílái 2 (backwards) [person, troops, vehicle] 后(後)退 hòutuì II vt [+ crowd] 使后(後)退 shǐ hòutuì [+ object] (less far forward) 往后(後)移 wǎng hòu yí (to original position) 使回原位 shǐ huí yuánwèi (in board game) 后(後)退 hòutuì Move back three squares.后(後)退3格。 Hòutuì sān gé. move down vi 下降 xiàjiàng move forwardI vi [person, troops, vehicle] 向前移动(動) xiàng qián yídòng (in board game) 前进(進) qiánjìn II vt [+ object] 使向前移 shǐ xiàng qián yí move in vi 1 (into house) 搬入 bānrù The house wasn't ready when she moved in.她搬进(進)去的时(時)候房子还(還)没(沒)装(裝)修好。 Tā bān jìnqù de shíhou fángzi hái méi zhuāngxiū hǎo. 2 [+ police, soldiers] 开(開)进(進)来(來) kāijìnlái The troops moved in to stop the riot.军(軍)队(隊)开(開)进(進)来(來)镇(鎮)压(壓)暴乱(亂)。 Jūnduì kāi jìnlái zhènyā bàoluàn. move in on vt fus 不可拆分 开(開)始参(參)与(與) kǎishǐ cānyù move into vt fus 不可拆分 (house, area) 搬进(進) bānjìn move in with vt fus 不可拆分 和…同居 hé…tóngjū Her husband had moved in with a younger woman.她的丈夫(伕)和一个(個)比她年轻(輕)的女人同居了。 Tā de zhàngfu hé yī gè bǐ tā niánqīng de nǚrén tóngjū le. move off vi [car] 开(開)走 kāizǒu Gil waved his hand and the car moved off.吉尔(爾)挥(揮)了挥(揮)手,车(車)开(開)走了。 Jí'ěr huī le huī shǒu,chē kāizǒu le. move onI vi 1 (=leave) 启(啟)程前往 qǐchéng qiánwǎng After three weeks in Hong Kong, we moved on to Japan.在香港逗留了3个(個)星期后(後),我们(們)启(啟)程前往日本。 Zài Xiānggǎng dòuliú le sān gè xīngqī hòu,wǒmen qǐchéng qiánwǎng Rìběn. 2 (=progress) 进(進)行 jìnxíng Now, can we move on and discuss productivity.好,让(讓)我们(們)进(進)行下一项(項),讨(討)论(論)生产(產)率问(問)题(題)。 Hào,ràng wǒmen jìnxíng xià yī xiàng,tǎolùn shēngchǎnlǜ wèntí. II vt 1 (=order to move) 命令走开(開) mìnglìng zǒukāi I used to busk, but I was always being moved on by the police.我以前常在街头(頭)卖(賣)艺(藝),但警察总(總)是命令我走开(開)。 Wǒ yǐqián cháng zài jiētóu màiyì,dàn jǐngchá zǒng shì mìnglìng wǒ zǒukāi. 2 (=cause to develop) 使有所进(進)展 shǐ yǒu suǒ jìnzhǎn I think we need to move things on a bit.我认(認)为(為)我们(們)应(應)该(該)使情况(況)略有所进(進)展。 Wǒ rènwéi wǒmen yīnggāi shǐ qíngkuàng lüè yǒu suǒ jìnzhǎn. move out vi (of house) 搬出去 bān chūqù The guy that lived there moved out a month ago.以前住在那儿(兒)的家(傢)伙(夥)一个(個)月前搬出去了。 Yǐqián zhù zài nàr de jiāhuo yī gè yuè qián bān chūqù le. move over vi (to make room) 让(讓)开(開)些 ràngkāi xiē Move over and let me drive.让(讓)开(開)些,让(讓)我来(來)开(開)车(車)。 Ràngkāi xiē,ràng wǒ lái kāichē. move up vi 1 (on sofa etc) 靠拢(攏) kàolǒng Move up, John, and make room for the lady.靠拢(攏)点(點),约(約)翰,给(給)那位女士挪个(個)地方。 Kàolǒngdiǎn,Yuēhàn,gěi nà wèi nǚshì nuó gè dìfang. 2 [+ employee, pupil] 升级(級) shēngjí 在这些条目还发现'moved': 在英文解释里: chill - disturbed - empty nester - have a lump in your throat - lowered - maneuverable - manoeuvrability - motor vehicle - portable - touched - transferred 中文: 撼 同义词: touched, affected, emotionally affected, emotional, emosh, 更多……习惯性搭配: the [viewers, spectators] were moved by, felt moved by the [story, speech], felt [deeply, truly] moved (by), 更多……

标题中含有单词 'moved' 的论坛讨论:

all entries have been moved down one row in the Excel form … as they moved from rock to bacteria, president, or mouse. - English Only forum ...has moved to ... for 3 years. - English Only forum ...his eyes moved, dreaming. - English Only forum being moved from ... in part because... - English Only forum ''who moved about in a strangely''_About - English Only forum 'Has bus moved' - English Only forum "(have/had) lived in (..) before you moved to" - English Only forum [all but] one of the creatures moved away - English Only forum 10 *digits, which can easily be moved and changed - English Only forum 2 years after his retirement he moved to my city - English Only forum a clock or watch moves merely as it is moved - English Only forum a motor that moves in a straight line, and moved it. - English Only forum a question which moved to... - English Only forum After he got promoted, he moved house. - English Only forum After I moved - English Only forum after I to a house - English Only forum after she moved away - English Only forum Albert moved two houses from me - English Only forum all contentious issues having moved allowed [Why not passive?] - English Only forum All people moved big towns - English Only forum and the family moved to the city - English Only forum are you all moved in - English Only forum as if he moved through water rather than air - English Only forum As we expanded, we moved twice and in 2015 we moved here. (two "moved") - English Only forum as we moved around the unit - English Only forum be directed/moved to a secure third-party processing site - English Only forum be moved of - English Only forum be moved by the movie / be moved at the movie - English Only forum Before he moved to England, he English for two years - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'moved'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "moved" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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